Other useful information

Ward transfers
Occasionally it may be necessary to move you to a different ward during your inpatient stay.  This would only occur if the healthcare team was sure that it would not affect your medical condition and continuing care.  Although you would be given as much notice as possible of an intended transfer, circumstances can sometimes result in transfers at short notice.  If you wish, ward staff would be able to notify your nominated next of kin at the earliest opportunity.

Smoking is not allowed anywhere on either hospital site, including car parks and grounds - as requested by our patients, visitors and staff. Please respect their rights to a smoke-free hospital.

We can help you to stop smoking and can even give you nicotine patches to help you stop while you're in hospital, or to keep the cravings at bay while you can't smoke.  Stopping smoking reduces your risk of illness and complications.

Alcohol isn't permitted, unless provided by the hospital, as it may affect your treatment. If you have concerns over your own or someone else's alcohol intake, and would like to talk to someone about this during your hospital stay, please speak to your nurse.

Organ donation
Today more than 10,000 people in the UK need an organ transplant which could save or dramatically improve their lives.  96% of us would take an organ if we needed one but only 29% of the population are on the Organ Donor Register.

Every year 1,000 people die while waiting for an organ transplant and many others lose their lives before they even get on to the transplant list.

In an attempt to reduce the gap between the number of patients waiting for a transplant and the number of organs available, the Trust’s Organ Donation Team aim is working to ensure that all patients and their families are offered the opportunity of organ and/or tissue donation where appropriate.  Please ask the nursing staff if you would like further information about this.

Medical certificates
Ward staff can arrange to supply you with an inpatient medical certificate for statutory sick pay claims or for your employer.

Advance decision to refuse treatment
You can use an “advance decision to refuse treatment” to indicate your wish to refuse all or some forms of medical treatment if you lose mental capacity in the future. You cannot use it to request treatment. Please talk to a member of staff for further information.

Pets are not usually allowed within the hospital, although exceptions are made for guide dogs and for other special cases. Permission must be requested from the nurse in charge.