Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objective 1

Provide outstanding care in the best place at the right time

Our ambition is to be one of the leading healthcare organisations in the country and rated as Outstanding across all our services.

Strategic Objective 2

Empower and support our people to be the best they can be

We will make Sherwood a great place to work and belong by empowering and supporting our people to be the best they can be.

Strategic Objective 3

Improve Health and Wellbeing within our Communities

Working with our health and care partners across Nottinghamshire, we will focus on providing joined up services to improve the health of our population who work and live in Nottinghamshire. We will ensure we make every contact count.

Strategic Objective 4

Continuously learn and improve

Our ability to deliver all our strategic objectives and the highest quality and safest possible care relies upon us continuously learning and improving as a Trust and across the Integrated Care System. A strong culture of continuous improvement enables better outcomes for our patients, our service delivery and safety, our people’s experience, our finances and our population’s health and wellbeing.

Strategic Objective 5

Sustainable use of resources and estate

Our ambition is to deliver the best care possible for the community we serve within the funding we have available.

Strategic Objective 6

Work collaboratively with partners in the community

Sherwood Forest Hospitals has a long history of working in partnership for the benefit of our communities. Our ambition during the life of this strategy is to support broader economic and social development, recognising this has a major impact on good versus poor physical and mental health.