World Menopause Day 2024
Thank you to those who joined our World Menopause Day 2024 event on 18 October 2024.
Below you will soon find the World Menopause Day Presentations from our fantastic range of speakers.
If you need any further information, please email:
Order of the day
Opening of the event
Speaker: Rosa Waddingham (Director of Nursing, ICB)
Menopause and Gyneocology including HRT
Speaker: Dr Sonja Rees, Gyneocologist, Sherwood Forest Hospitals
Talking to your GP and practice nurse about the Menopause
Speakers: Dr Louise Glasgow (GP Partner Village Health Group, GP with a special interest in menopause care at Spire Hospital Tollerton), and Rachel Green (Advance Nurse Practitioner)
Menopause, work and reasonable adjustments
Speakers: Debbie James (Specialist Nurse in Occupational Health) and Amy Gouldstone (People Wellbeing Lead, SFH)
Occupational Health and Wellbeing Slides
Mindfulness and the menopause
Speakers: Beth Longstaff (Staff Counsellor and Menopause Champion, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)
Menopause and relationships
Couples Therapy for Depression
Speaker: Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies
Talking Therapies and Couples Therapy Slides
Muscular skeletal health and menopause
Speaker: Maria Levers, Physiotherapist at SFH
Eating well and the menopause
Speaker: Ellen Kelly (Dietitian, NUH Dietitian)
Sleep well and the menopause
Speaker: Anna Charlesworth (Assistant Clinical Psychologist)
Yoga for the menopause
Speaker: Claire English (Liberty Yoga and Nurse, Nottingham University Hospitals Trust)
Contact Claire English on
Menopause and your bladder
Don't Ignore your Pelvic Floor!
Speaker: Morgan Lowe (Pelvic Health Physiotherapist)
Bladder and Pelvic Health Slides
Moving well and the menopause
Speaker: Annabel Scott (Your Health Notts)
Free lifestyle support from Your Health Notts