Our Services

King's Mill Conference Centre we have the flexibility to be able to offer rooms to suit all types of corporate event. These can range from intimate interview rooms, larger training and meeting facilities, through to lecture theatres to more the specialist medical clinical/dental skills laboratories.
All of our rooms are bright, clean and modern. Each boasts the latest in audio visual equipment and our facilities include:
- Video Conferencing
- PCs and ceiling mounted projectors
- Interactive white boards
- Voting devices
- Document cameras
- Overhead projectors
- Internet access
We are also able to offer support for your event and have onsite audio visual technicians to ensure your presentations and videos run smoothly.
- Technical support
- Dedicated event co-ordinator
- Meet and greet / register and handing out of welcome packs
- General administrative support
- Catering
- Onsite parking
We have the following rooms available. Please click on your preferred room to find out more: