Modern Slavery

SFH statement on Modern Slavery

As part of the NHS requirements all Trusts are required to provide a statement in respect of Modern Slavery  Act 2015 the statement below outlines SFHT’s positon.

All staff at SFHT, in clinical or non-clinical roles, have a responsibility to consider issues regarding modern slavery, and to incorporate their understanding of these issues into their day-to-day activities.

Front line NHS staff are well placed to be able to identify and report any concerns they may have about individual patients who present for treatment and modern slavery is part of the safeguarding agenda for children and adults. All SFHT staff receive comprehensive safeguarding training and this subject is covered within this.

The Trust is fully aware of the responsibilities towards patients, employees and the local community and, as such, we have a strict set of ethical values that we use as guidance with regard to our commercial activities. We therefore expect that all suppliers to the Trust adhere to the same ethical principles.

Advice about slavery and human trafficking is available to staff through the Safeguarding Team via the hospital switchboard on 01623 622515.

You can find our 2018 Modern Slavery Statement here.