Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Join us at our Annual General Meeting for the opportunity to find out more about your local hospitals

Date: Tuesday 24 September 2023, commencing 5.30pm for approximately one hour

Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, King’s Mill Conference Centre, King’s Mill Hospital, Mansfield Road, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 4JL

The AGM will give an in-depth look at Sherwood Forest Hospitals performance for the year, as well as give you an opportunity to learn how we are planning to meet the challenges we are expecting to face in the remainder of 2025/26 and beyond.

There will also be an opportunity to put your questions to the Trust’s Board of Directors at the meeting. All questions must be submitted in advance of the meeting by emailing before midnight on Tuesday 19 September.

If you wish to attend the AGM please register before midnight on Tuesday 19 September, you can also use this form to include any questions you would like to ask on the night: 

Following the meeting, we will also be hosting a ‘Step into the NHS’ showcase event in the hospital’s main reception area.

The showcase will give anyone attending the event an opportunity to find out more about the work that is going on across our hospitals, as well as share the range of career opportunities within the Trust with potential job seekers.

Anyone attending the AGM is welcome to attend the showcase event, which will begin immediately after the meeting.

Step into the NHS - Showcase open from 6pm to 7.30pm

Visit our showcase, where you will be able to speak to our dedicated colleagues and teams, these will include:

  • Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service (NHIS)
  • Pharmacy 
  • Apprenticeships 
  • Medical Workforce  
  • Medical Education 
  • Governors - Sign up to become a Trust member
  • Therapy Services 
  • Practice Development Matrons 
  • Nursing
  • Non-clinical admin roles

Information for the Annual General Meeting (AGM)