Sherwood staff say thank you after emergency department was ‘calm, with no drama’ after England’s win

Posted Thursday, July 8, 2021 10:11 AM

Sherwood staff say thank you after emergency department was ‘calm, with no drama’ after England’s win

Staff at King’s Mill Hospital have thanked local people after last night’s shift in the Emergency Department (ED) was trouble free, with no abusive behaviour towards colleagues.

Abusive behaviour in the emergency department after previous England games had led to some staff dreading last night’s shift, so Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust, which runs King’s Mill, sent out a plea on Tuesday asking local people to treat their staff with respect.

Julie Hogg, Chief Nurse at Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust explains: “We were worried after seeing a rise in abusive behaviour after England matches, but our reminder to patients to treat us with respect and to remember that we are here to help seems to have worked.

“We are all thrilled that England is through to the final and can’t wait to cheer the team on. Now we can do so in the expectation that people who need us will behave well after the match on Sunday.

“We will carry on issuing reminders throughout this week to make sure that everyone who might need our help sees our plea.

“We know that masks, social distancing and not bringing anyone with you unless you need a carer is hard, but these measures are in place to keep patients, visitors and NHS workers safe.

“Thank you so much to everyone who listened and fingers crossed for the right result on Sunday!”

More information about the campaign can be found here.