Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB 5 January: Update on NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire critical incident

A critical incident covering the whole Nottingham and Nottinghamshire NHS system remains in place today (5 January 2024) and will continue through the weekend.

The critical incident was declared by NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire on 3 January, in response to the high number of people needing care combined with a reduction in staffing levels, which have led to very long waits in our A&E departments and for admission to our wards.

Declaring a critical incident has enabled NHS organisations in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to work even closer together by sharing resources, spreading demand more evenly and appropriately across different services and closer collaboration with social care colleagues to speed up discharges.

As a result of these actions, the position has been stabilised over the last 48 hours, but significant pressure remains as we enter the weekend. The hard work by NHS, social care and partner staff has contributed hugely to this improved position but we need to redouble our efforts during what is expected to be a pressing weekend ahead.

How you can help us

We are grateful for your support, understanding and for continuing to follow advice to only attend A&E if you have a life-threatening illness or injury that cannot be treated elsewhere.

A wide range of alternative services are available this weekend:


Many pharmacies are open on Saturdays and Sundays. Pharmacies can offer over-the-counter advice and treat common illnesses such as colds, sore throats, stings and allergies. Many pharmacies are offering additional services for common conditions including urinary tract infections, middle ear infections in young children, skin infections including impetigo, infected eczema and infected insect bites. Find your nearest pharmacy.

Contact NHS 111

NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are unsure where you should go, NHS 111 can help – search online for “NHS 111” or dial 111 from any phone. A trained operator will make sure you are seen in the right place and by the right person. They can even book you an appointment at an out of hours GP or at your nearest urgent treatment centre.


Many conditions can be treated at home with rest and/or over-the-counter medicines.The NHS website has information on a huge range of conditions, with advice on how and where to best to treatment.

Read up on children’s illnesses

If you are concerned about a symptom your child has then we have developed web pages to provide you with consistent and high-quality advice from local health professionals about common childhood illnesses, including advice on what ‘red-flag’ signs to look out for, where to seek help if required and how long your child’s symptoms are likely to last. You can access these pages on our website.

Know where to find your nearest urgent treatment centre

Urgent Treatment Centres are open every day, including weekends. Urgent treatment centres provide medical help when it’s not a life-threatening emergency. They can diagnose and deal with many of the common problems people go to A&E for. We have two urgent treatment centres:

Know how to contact an out of hours GPs over the weekend

Contact 111 to see an out of hours GP.

Support your relatives to get home from hospital

People can continue help us by supporting relatives to return home from hospital when they are medically fit. Help with practical arrangements like transport, making sure they have a key, that there is food and drink at home and that they have medication and any equipment they need to aid their recovery can make a huge difference.

Stay safe during flooding

It’s a good idea to check flood alerts and warnings in place for your area. You can also sign up to get alerts sent to you via text message. If you live in an area at risk of flooding, consider whether you need to travel and only do so if necessary. You can find some useful information about preparing and dealing with floods on the Nottinghamshire County Council website.

Access mental health support

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have a mental health crisis line which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to people of all ages. Call 0808 196 3779.

Covid and flu vaccinations

Covid, flu and other winter viruses are circulating at the moment. Make sure you are protected from winter illnesses by getting your COVID and flu vaccinations, if you are eligible. You can get your vaccinations from a pharmacy, find out which pharmacies are offering vaccinations on the NHS pharmacy finder website

Only use A&E and 999 in emergencies

Only call 999 or attend A&E departments for serious accidents and for genuine emergencies.

For more information on knowing where to go for medical care, see our website.

Follow and share updates this weekend

Follow and share our social media posts to encourage people to continue to choose the right service and only attend A&E if they have a life-threatening illness or injury that cannot be treated elsewhere: