Newark Hospital breast services appeal reaches half way point

Posted Tuesday, March 12, 2019 2:19 PM

Newark Hospital breast services appeal reaches half way point

Newark Hospital’s Breast Services Fundraising Appeal has reached its halfway point thanks to a generous donation from the Newark Hospital Volunteers.

Newark Hospital Volunteers managed to raise £2,500 thanks to a fundraising gift stall, bringing the grand total so far to a brilliant £20,000.

Charity Trustee Paul Robinson, who accepted the cheque on behalf of Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity, said: “It is brilliant that we have managed to raise so much for the appeal in such a short space of time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers and the general public for their continued help, support and generosity. This unit will really make a difference to the people of Newark and the surrounding areas, so I’m so pleased that the fundraising is going so well.”

The appeal is for a one-stop symptomatic breast clinic, which will be run at the Women’s Centre at Newark Hospital and will mean that patients who are referred by their GP for specialist opinion and assessment will be able to be seen at Newark Hospital. Patients will receive a consultation with a breast specialist clinician, have a mammogram, ultrasound scans and even a biopsy all taken on the same day, with results then expected within a few days.

The clinic will be partly funded by the Trust’s Charitable Funds. To find out more about the Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity and how to donate please visit