Facemasks required in clinical areas of hospitals amid rise in respiratory conditions
Posted Wednesday, January 10, 2024 2:03 PM

Facemasks have been reintroduced at King’s Mill Hospital, Newark Hospital and Mansfield Community Hospital from Tuesday 9 January 2024.
The decision has been taken to reintroduce masks in all clinical areas and all clinical waiting areas of Sherwood Forest Hospitals' three sites following an increase in respiratory conditions, including COVID-19 and flu, among patients and Trust employees.
Patients, visitors and employees at the Trust’s hospitals are now being asked to wear masks, which are available from mask stations throughout the hospitals, at all times in clinical areas and waiting areas to protect themselves and others.
People who are preparing to visit are urged not to do so if they have any signs of illness, particularly if they have any cold, flu or Covid-like symptoms, diarrhoea and/or vomiting in the past three days, or if they have been in contact with anyone who has had these types of illness.
Rates of infection are kept under constant review and studies indicate that re-introducing the wearing of masks is one of the ways to prevent the spread of infection.
It is vital that we take decisive action to protect our most vulnerable patients, visitors and colleagues to ensure we can keep vital services running for all those that need them over the coming weeks.
Staff, patients and visitors are encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap and water and use the alcohol gel provided, in addition to wearing facemasks to help reduce the spread of infections.
The Trust will continue to keep its facemask requirements under constant review.