Cancer patients praise care at Sherwood Forest Hospitals

Posted Wednesday, November 21, 2018 10:41 AM

Sherwood Forest Hospitals shows positive feedback on cancer care from the 2017 National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES) results.

The report demonstrates an increase in the average rating of care given to the respondents when they were asked to rate their care on a scale of zero (very poor) to 10 (very good). The latest report shows that Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ patients scored 8.8 for their cancer care, which is an increase from 8.5 the previous year which is equal to the National average.

The national survey is designed to observe progress on cancer care and drive local improvements on quality and care. The NCPES is managed by a national Cancer Patient Experience Advisory Group, who set the objectives of the survey and develops the questionnaire.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals scored above the national average in 28 of the 52 questions asked including:

  • 83% of patients were given a complete explanation of test results in a way they understood, above the national average of 79%.
  • 85% of patients definitely felt involved in decisions about care and treatment, above the national average of 79%.
  • 70% of patients were given practical advice & support in dealing with side effects of treatment, above the national average of 67%.
  • 76% of patients felt there were always / nearly always enough nurses on duty, above the national average of 66%.
  • 90% of patients found it easy to contact their Cancer Nurse Specialist, above the National average of 86%.
  • 81% of patients were asked by staff what name they preferred to be called by, above the national average of 69%.
  • 91% of patients were always given enough privacy when discussing their condition or treatment, ahead of the national average of 86%.

Additionally, significant improvements were seen from the previous year’s survey with an increase in scores in 41 of the 52 questions posed.

Penny Tindall, Trust Lead Cancer Nurse at Sherwood Forest Hospitals is delighted by the results and says:

“It is fantastic to see the results from this year’s National Cancer Patient Experience Survey, in particular the increased scores for care and support overall. The results from the survey really support us on our journey towards becoming outstanding and give us the confidence that we are focusing on the right things for our patients.”

Full national results and other reports are available at: