Comfy chairs become part of the furniture at King's Mill Hospital
Posted Tuesday, June 13, 2023 4:28 PM

Patients at King’s Mill Hospital will benefit from a more comfortable experience in the Welcome Treatment Centre clinic, thanks to funding from the Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity.
The charity has provided 17 Avento Treatment Chairs at a cost of £61,500 from donations made to the Oncology Fund, along with a specific legacy for oncology services.
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s Welcome Treatment Centre (WTC) provides a variety of treatments for oncology, haematology and other immuno-therapy patients. Treatments often take place over a long period of time, in some cases up to ten hours, and it is important that patients reduce pressure points on the body. A handheld remote is provided to operate the chairs so patients can adjust their position to find what’s most comfortable for them.
Not only will the chairs help to improve patient care, but Trust colleagues will also benefit when transferring patients to a trolley. Staff members can adjust the height of the chair to their level so they can easily treat and move patients, avoiding the risk of injury.
Shantell Miles, Director of Nursing at Sherwood Forest Hospitals, said: “Thank you to the Sherwood Forest Hospitals Charity for the kind donation which will help us to deliver better quality patient care and improve staff wellbeing. "Patients can now recline and rest whilst receiving treatment allowing them a comfier experience while also enabling staff to work at a more appropriate height.”
To find out more about the charity or how to make a donation please visit our Get Involved webpage.