Diversity and Inclusivity

Diversity and inclusivity is fundamental to all the hospital, both in the way we provide services to our community and the way in which we manage our staff. Under the Trust's core values we are committed to treating all our service users and staff with dignity and respect.  

It is important to remember that we are all different and that diversity and inclusivity is something that should be embraced, valued and celebrated. Embracing diversity will ensure that we provide effective services which meet the needs of our patients and community. Additionally it will help us achieve excellent employment practices, which give all employees the chance to achieve their full potential as they progress and develop.

The Trust’s current Equality Strategy 2018-2021 shows how it intends to meet the diversity and inclusivity agenda and how this is being implemented in practice across the Trust. The Equality Strategy 2018-2021 is available to download along with other diversity and inclusivity reports and information. Please click on the links below:

The Trust welcomes feedback on its services from patients, stakeholders, service users and staff. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding diversity and inclusivity matters please contact the Human Resources department on 01623 622515, extension 4632.
