Safe staffing

At Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, we recognise that having the right number of nurses with the right skills in the right place at the right time is critical in our commitment to providing high quality, safe, person-centred, compassionate care across all wards and departments.

From April 2014 It became a national requirement by NHS England, that all organisations with inpatient wards publish their nurse staffing data on a monthly basis and display daily data at ward level, where it is easily accessible to the public. The data collected is then uploaded to NHS Choices for public viewing on a monthly basis. The initiative was in response to the Francis Report and the Governments ‘Hard Truths’ document that followed the public enquiry.

What information are hospitals being asked to submit?

Hospitals are required to submit planned hours for each ward on each shift for registered nurses and heath care assistants. These are submitted alongside the actual hours worked, which ideally should be as close as possible to the planned hours. 

Safe staffing documents