Library and Knowledge Service

Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust's Library and Knowledge Service is a multidisciplinary information service available to all employees and students within SFHT NHS Trust.
We contribute to the provision of outstanding care across the NHS in Nottinghamshire by enabling access to the best evidence to support both clinicians and managers. Our aim is to put evidence at the heart of decision-making and provide resources to support healthier communities.
While we carry out the traditional library role of providing books and journals, we do much more than this. We manage a leaflet service to support self-care and health improvement, supplying users in the hospital and local health community.
We also offer scoping reviews and evidence searches on defined topics to address complex clinical, research and management information needs. Many of our services can also be accessed remotely, so you do not need to visit the library in person.
The service is also open to other, non-NHS, users with both corporate and individual memberships being available. Please contact the library for more details or take a look on the Library and Knowledge Service website for further information on services to staff working in the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB, or the Public Health teams at Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County.
Opening hours and contact details
The service is staffed as follows:
- Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm
- Friday, 9am to 4.30pm
24/7 access is available with a swipe card.
Contact details
Phone: 01623 622515, extension 4009
X: @SFHTLibrary