
Our Ophthalmology service includes a comprehensive ophthalmic outpatient service and a range of surgical procedures carried out on a day case basis, without the need for patients to stay overnight in hospital. We also have a range of highly specialist diagnostic services, such as digital imaging, fluorescein angiography, Argon and Yag laser facilities and ophthalmic B-scan.

Our purpose built Day Case Unit, together with our state of the art theatre and well trained nursing staff means that we are able to offer our patients the very best care. We also have a minor surgical procedure theatre in the outpatients department. 

The range of services we offer on an outpatient basis includes:

• Anterior segment
• Inflammatory conditions
• Cataracts
• Medical retina and retinal vascular conditions
• Glaucoma
• Lacrimal diseases
• Oculoplasty
• Laser treatment for medical retinal conditions
• Children’s ophthalmology.

Our ophthalmic surgery services include:

• Cataract and glaucoma
• Oculoplasty
• Lacrimal
• Ocular injuries
• Squint surgery.

Contact Details

King's Mill Hospital clinic: 01623 676017
Newark Hospital clinic: 01636 685750 or 685751

Patient Information Leaflets

Further Information

Further information for blind and partially sighted people, their families and professionals is available on the RNIB website