Organ and Tissue Donation
Organ donation is the gift of an organ, to help someone who needs a transplant.
As you read this more than 10,000 people are desperately waiting for a life saving organ transplant.
Transplants are one of the most miraculous achievements of modern medicine. But they depend entirely on the generosity of donors and their families who are willing to make this life-saving gift to others.
Every day three people die while waiting for an organ transplant and many others lose their lives even before they are registered on the transplant waiting list.
Ninety six per cent per cent of us would accept an organ transplant if we needed one. Yet only 27 per cent of us have pledged to help by joining the organ donor register.
If you believe in organ donation, prove it – register now.
Adding your details to the register is easy! All you need to do is follow this link. Here you can find an online registration form and the answers to any questions you might have.
Alternatively you can register by calling the donation line on 0300 123 123 or text SAVE to 84118.
You may already have an organ donor card, but it is still important to join the register, because you may not always be carrying the card.
Remember it is important to discuss your wishes to be donor with your family and friends as organ and tissue donation will be discussed with them in the event of your death
What organs can be donated?
Kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, pancreas and the small bowel can be donated.
Tissue donation – a life changer and saver
Every year hundreds of lives are saved with the help of donated organs such as kidneys. However you may not realise that donated tissue such as skin, bone, tendon, eyes and heart valves can all dramatically improve the quality of life for others and even save lives.
As many as 50 other people can be helped from the donation from one person. Tissues are donated after death by people who have expressed a wish to help others in this way.
What tissues can be donated?
Heart valves are used to help children born with heart defects or adults with diseased or damaged heart valves.
Eyes can help restore sight to people with cornea problems (the clear part of the eye). This may be a result of damage caused by disease, injury or defects from birth. The white part of the eye (the sclera) can be used in operations to rebuild the eye.
Bone is important for people receiving reconstruction after an injury or during joint replacement surgery. A bone transplant can prevent limb amputation in people suffering from bone cancer.
Skin can be used as a natural dressing, helping treat people with serious burns. This can save lives by stopping infections, can help reduce scarring and reduces pain.
Tendons the elastic-like cords that attach bones and muscles to each other help by rebuilding damaged joints often in younger people with sports injuries.
Organ and tissue donation at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Organ and tissue donation is an end of life care choice and therefore options should be explored and patient wishes respected. Patients and relatives should expect to be asked about donation as part of routine care here at Sherwood Forest Hospitals.
Clinical Lead - Organ Donation: Dr Paul Smith– Consultant Anaesthetist, Integrated Critical Care Unit
Specialist Nurse-Organ Donation: Lorraine Hogg, 01623 622515 extension 6350
To support the Department of Health Organ Donation Task Force Report Sherwood Forest Hospitals has established an Organ Donation Committee which aims to assess, optimise and streamline organ donation within the Trust. The aim is to make organ and or tissue donation a part of end of life care. The membership of the committee is made up of representatives of Trust staff.
The committee is in the process of organising a remembrance memorial and book. The memorial book will be located in the Faith Centre for families of donors to enter their details in memory. This will be for organ and tissue donors.